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Take control of your food by joining a community of indoor urban farms that aim to tackle the climate crisis while creating a better food system for all. 

No more grocery store gimmicks. No more sub-quality produce. It's time to fruit & veggie better!

Food The Way It Was Meant to Be


We grow all our produce in a fully controlled, indoor hydroponic system without herbicides, pesticides, or synthetic fertilizers. This gives our community access to some of the freshest, healthiest produce on the market, all grown close to home. 

Building A Better Food System

At Green Being Farms, our mission is to make what we eat, local

By doing this, we believe we can cultivate a more sustainable food system for all while creating a community that gives people ownership of a cleaner, healthier produce supply. By changing the way we think about, source, & consume our food, we can build a hopeful future for generations to come. 


How We're Different


We don't just want to grow food to sell it to you – we genuinely want to grow food for you

We're rethinking the relationship between farm & customer in hopes of creating a more sustainable, equitable, & mutually beneficial relationship that can truly bind us together. 

As our community grows, so does our ability to offer more diverse & unique produce, all with our members in mind.

Our goal? 

To build a better food system where growers & consumers are brought together so we can stop thinking of food as a commodity, but rather as a community. 

We're Looking For Your Input!

Have a few minutes? Your feedback is invaluable in shaping the future of our farm. Please take this 1-2 minute survey to help us better craft our business to support you & your family's needs.

Stay Up To Date

Interested in what we're building or want to join the community? Sign up for our newsletter & receive exclusive early access to our offering before anyone else!